Within the scope of the project, three full-scale specimens representing infill wall applications in reinforced concrete structures will be tested under in-plane and out-of-plane loads.
You can find the detailed explanation about the project, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Alper İlki, below.

Project Title: Investigation of out-of-plane response of infill walls with murfor reinforcement
Project Type: ITUNOVA AR-GE Projesi
Project Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Alper İlki
This project includes experimental studies planned to investigate the behavior of infill walls that are made of AAC infill units under in-plane and out-of-plane loads representing earthquake effects and to evaluate the benefits obtained from using joint reinforcement placed between masonry unit elements. Within the scope of the project, three full-scale specimens representing infill wall applications in reinforced concrete structures will be tested under in-plane and out-of-plane loads. One of the samples will represent the wall construction without joint reinforcement, and the other two samples will contain bed joint reinforcements with different materials and geometric properties. The same in-plane and out-of-plane loading protocol will be applied to all three samples, and improvements in joint reinforcement and infill wall performance and behavior will be investigated. It is planned to test the specimens in a laboratory environment, to continuously monitor and report the applied load, displacements and damage in various parts of the specimens.