Funding Agency: Tubitak 1001_123Y364
Project Coordinator :
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burçak Kaynak Tezel (Istanbul Technical University)
Prof. Dr. Fatma Öztürk (Boğaziçi University)
Ammonia (NH3), an alkaline gas, is a harmful atmospheric pollutant to the environment and human health both directly and indirectly because of its contribution to secondary inorganic particulate matter (PM) formation. NH3 is emitted to the atmosphere usually together with greenhouse gases, in large quantities from agricultural activities, followed by industrial, waste and geothermal sectors. Currently, changes in agricultural practices due to rapid population growth and changes in meteorological conditions caused by climate change cause an increase in agricultural pollution. In this project, spatio-temporal changes of NH3 pollution in Türkiye and its surrounding neighbors will be determined using NH3 monitoring with remote sensing along with their relationship with relevant geographical and meteorological parameters. High-resolution TROPOMI NO2 and SO2 remote sensing data will be evaluated with IASI NH3 to determine the probable secondary inorganic PM formation regions.
PM2.5 exposure, which currently ranks fourth among all causes of death worldwide, causes serious problems on human health and premature deaths. As emission controls on primary sources become stricter, the contribution of the secondary PM2.5 gradually increases its importance, which mostly consists of ammonium, nitrate and sulfate. This contribution will be determined especially for rural regions where NH3 emissions from agriculture are significant and no groud-based monitoring is available. Thus, this study will be the first study to examine the relationship between agriculture and air pollution in Türkiye and its surroundings.
For the first time in Türkiye, satellite data will be used for NH3 monitoring, and the study will be supported by detailed emisison inventory development, modeling and health exposure studies. Secondary PM2.5, its contribution to PM2.5 and health impacts will be estimated. Transboundary pollution transport will also be investigated for selected regions.
Figure. Spatialdistribution of NH3 levels in Europe (left) and Türkiye (right) (2022 annual average)