Project Title: Empirical Fragility Curves From Damage Data on RC Buildings After 2023 Kahramanmaras Earthquakes
Funding Agency: Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool
Project Coordinator: Res. Asst. Tolga Çınar (Istanbul Technical University)
Investigator: Res. Asst. Yiğit Berat Kaya (Gebze Technical University)
Project Scholars: Ayça Aytemiz (Istanbul Technical University), Güneş Ataş (Istanbul Technical University), Kaan Günel (Istanbul Technical University)
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Alper İlki (Istanbul Technical University)
This study aims to develop empirical fragility curves based on post-earthquake damage assessment surveys conducted following the Kahramanmaraş earthquakes. Empirical fragility curves, constructed using observed damage data from previous seismic events, represent the probability of a specific building type reaching or exceeding a given damage state under a defined seismic hazard. During the derivation of these curves the coordinates of the structures, ground conditions, seismic actions, construction year, number of stories and damage states will be taken into account.