Funding Agency: The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Tyumen Province of Russia, TerrArctic Mega Grand Project, 07.12.2020 No. 89-DON, 15.03.2024 No. 11/89-DON
Proje Bilimsel Direktörü: Prof.Dr.Orhan İnce (Istanbul Technical University)
Proje Yürütücüsü: Dr.Anrei Soromotin (Tyumen State University, Russia)
Prof.Dr. Yakov Kuzyakov (University of Göttingen)
Dr.Anastasia Vasylchenko (Tyumen State University, Russia)
Dr.Irina Kurganova (Tyumen State University, Russia)
Dr.Vyacheslav Semyonov (Tyumen State University, Russia)
Dr.Natalia Samokhina (Tyumen State University, Russia)
Dr.Ekaterina Flimonenko (Tyumen State University, Russia)
Ekaterina Arbuzova (Tyumen State University, Russia)
Anna Gunina (Tyumen State University, Russia)
Alina Kurasova (Tyumen State University, Russia)
The TerrArctic Mega Grant Project focuses on developing sustainable land management practices in the Arctic to mitigate the effects of climate change. This interdisciplinary research aims to explore the complex interactions between natural and human systems, enhancing opportunities for research and information exchange among Arctic stakeholders. The project seeks to elucidate the carbon cycle in the soils and vegetation of Western Siberia, providing scientific results that will inform policy decisions, guide land-use planning, support conservation efforts, and contribute to the advancement of scientific literature on Arctic ecology and environmental management.
The main objectives are therefore defined to ensure sustainable land use in the Arctic amidst global changes, explain the carbon cycle in Western Siberia, and develop restoration methods for damaged lands. Additionally, we aim to strengthen connections among scientists in Siberia and globally to address the ecological challenges posed by climate change, produce valuable data to enhance the sustainability of Arctic ecosystems, and minimize the negative effects of climate change through international collaboration.
(Kulikova Maria,2024)