Ramazan Özgür İridere | Dec 13, 2023
Project Title: Development of the Design Criteria for Buildings in Liquefiable Soils with Emphasize on Foundation Type and Soil-Structure Interaction
Project Type: TUBITAK 1001 - Earthquake Special Call
Project Principal Investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esra Ece BAYAT
Summary: It aims to investigate whether the design of buildings on such soils should be considered by taking into account the soil-structure interaction, depending on the foundation type. Especially during the February 6 Kahramanmaraş Earthquake series, it was observed that the building performances on such grounds differ depending on the foundation types. It is aimed to develop design criteria that requires the determination of the acceleration and displacement time histories that the buildings will be exposed to by considering the liquefying soil. Also, the design criteria should guide to obtain the building performance depending on the response of different foundations built on such soils. For this purpose, both numerical and experimental studies are carried out.
Considering the kinematic effects in the liquefied soil, the accelerations and deformations that will reach the foundation will be obtained by parametric numerical analysis for different foundation types (mat foundation, continuous foundation, piled foundation) built at the surface and in cases where there is a certain foundation depth. These acceleration and deformation records will be solved for the inertia interaction of the superstructure, and the settlements and rotations that will occur in the building will be determined.